Attorney Brian E. Small
Brian Small an experienced Attorney focused on representing Illinois Drivers.
Areas of Practice
- Traffic Court- Brian represents Drivers from Cook, DuPage and the rest of the collar counties in a variety of traffic offenses. From the smallest stop sign cases to ones that impose significant jail time Brian stands ready to help. Even the smallest cases can severely impact your driving record and insurance rates. As a result of his experience Brian is able to limit consequences in many of these cases.
- Secretary of State- Brian represents drivers across the state and the country in Administrative Hearings to restore their drivers license. Ultimately by eliminating the License Suspension or Revocation many drivers can avoid consequences from traffic court in the first place.
- Criminal Court- Occasionally traffic crimes can spill over into serious criminal cases. Brian can help guide you through this process and fight hard to protect you from serious consequences.
- Illinois State Bar Association
- Chicago Bar Association
- Better Business Bureau
Bar Admission and Education
- Admitted to Practice Law in Illinois, 2007
- University of Toledo College of Law; J.D. 2007