Importance of Hiring a Lawyer

Last December, Chris Chelios the Chicago hockey all-star and former Blackhawk player was pulled over and arrested for a suspected DUI.  He completed field sobriety tests, but declined to take the breathalyzer.  Chris’ next move was to call a lawyer.  With the assistance of a lawyer the license suspension was thrown out and the charges will likely be dropped.

Having a lawyer is your guide to getting your life back on track.  The Law Office of Brian E. Small only handles traffic law and license cases, so Brian knows what to look for in your case, what evidence is admissible, and what your options are.  You don’t have to endure the legal process alone.

Lidar Speed Detectors Admissible in Court

You may have seen in the news awhile back that courts were throwing out speeding tickets when the Lidar speed detector was used. That is no longer the case with a court ruling finding lidar speed detection scientifically sound. What does this mean for you? If you have a speeding ticket, it will not automatically be dismissed if Lidar was used. Having a lawyer present at even a basic ticket can help to save you headaches down the road.

Anita Alvarez is Soft on Cops

It took me a little while to calm down before I wrote this post.  Recently an Officer was accused of falsifying police reports in DUI arrests.  I personally know people this officer has ruined  the lives of.  Ms. Alvarez determined she did not have a strong case to go in on.

However, why does she continue to prosecute clients of mine when she does not have any evidence?

On more than one occasion Assistant State’s Attorneys in Cook County will utter phrases like “I know I don’t have the proof, but my supervisor won’t let me drop it.”

I have DUIs that go to trial with no field sobriety or breathalyzer tests only the word of the officer that he/she smelled alcohol.  Usually these cases are dismissed by the judge, but defendants still have to go through the time and expense of trial even when there is no case.

I ask people to remember this when she comes up for re-election.  I understand a prosecutor is supposed to be tough, but if she is going to pursue cases that are weak on some fronts shouldn’t she pursue those cases which may be unpopular as well?