Red Light Cameras Continue To Make News

Once again Red-light Cameras are gracing the pages of the Chicago Tribune.  See their story here on how these cameras are not making intersections any safer.  In fact they are on occasion making some intersections a bit more dangerous.

Here are Brian Small’s Tips on Cameras:

  1. They do not count against your driving record.
  2. If you believe the ticket is in error watch the video.  Each ticket you receive in the mail has a link to a video of you passing through the intersection.
  3. Fight it if you the video does not prove you ran the light.

Distracted Driving

Two new distracted driving laws on the books this new year.

1. No texting or emailing anywhere in Illinois

2. Must use a handsfree device in school and construction zones throughout Illinois.

These two new laws are designed to cut down on accidents from distracted driving.

I however expect to see a spike in police activity near 100 foot long construction zones.  So be careful drivers both in where you use your phone and how you drive.  Too many of these tickets and you could face a license suspension.

Here is an article from the Tribune on it.

Illinois Supreme Court to Review DUI Law

Currently in Illinois you can be convicted of DUI for any illegal drugs in your system.  You can see an article here on how that may change or stay the same.  All to often police officers seek blood or urine from individuals who have used drugs days before being pulled over.  This will be reviewed when the Court takes a look at a Peoria case where a man was found guilty with meth in his system.  This could mean in the future that prosecutor’s would have to prove the drugs caused impairment.